Saturday, December 14, 2019

Final Blog 

I have really enjoyed writing these blogs every week. I hope you have too. For my final post I wanted to share my favorite things that I have written about this semester. My favorite topics have been parenting and communication. I want to share why they are most important to me. 

I picked parenting because ever since I was little, I wanted to be a mom. My favorite game to play was family and I would always be the mom. I things I learned will help me be a good parent in the future. I want to be a good parent in the future. I want to be an authoritative parent. To have a positive connection with my kids. To teach them that certain behaviors have certain consequences and hopeful they will be able to make the decision on their own. I hope the information in my post about parenting will help others want to be authoritative parents and want the best for their kids. Remember that every child is different and will need attention. If you show every single one of your children that you are here for them and you love them, Heavenly Father will help with the rest. I’m so excited about meeting my kids and rising them in this gospel. 

I also picked communication because communication is key to any relationship. I wanted to just make a point on how important it is so I’m going to write about it again. You can never really understand how someone feels if they don’t tell you. Communication seems to be the biggest problem in families. Husbands and wife’s not willing to listen to each other, kids not willing to listen to the parents. Things like this can cause so much miss understanding and anger toward each other. Communication is key to every relationship. It is so important to have a family function properly. Communication is so important in the family. Being able to talk to one another really helps the relationship become stronger. You will be able to tell your family if something is wrong or if you have a problem with how things are working in the family. With knowing what is wrong you will be able to solve the problem together as a family. This quote always comes to mind we I think about communication. "Your most important friendships should be with your own brothers and sisters and with your father and mother. Love your family. Be loyal to them. Have a genuine concern for your brothers and sisters. Help carry their load so you can say, like the lyrics of the song, 'He ain't heavy; he's my brother'." -President Ezra Taft Benson. President Benson couldn't be more right. Your family should be your best friends. 

I hope you have enjoyed what I have had to say about my favorite topics.  I'm grateful for what I have learned in my class and will use what I have learned for the rest of my life and I hope you will too. 

Comment down below what has been your favorite topics that have been discussed. I hope you have enjoyed what I have written this semester. I hope I was helpful and insightful to many of you. Thanks for reading and all of the support. Bye!

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