Saturday, October 12, 2019

Family Culture 

When I hear the word culture I think of human societies, as well as the knowledge, beliefs, art, laws, customs, capabilities and habits of the individuals in these groups. I think of it as a large group of people, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be that way a culture can take place in a family. A family culture is more like a family that has the same knowledge, beliefs, rules and traditions. 

In The Family: A Proclamation to the World Says “Parents have a sacred duty to rear their children in love and righteousness, to provide for their physical and spiritual needs, and to tech them to love and serve one another, observe the commandments of God, and be law-abiding citizens wherever they live”.  Every couple is going to raise their children differently. When following the proclamation, everyone is going to do it different and creative their family culture.  How they provide for their kids physical and spiritual needs will depend on their culture. 

My family isn’t your typical “molly Mormon” family. We don’t spend hours memorizing scriptures. We don’t have a scheduled family home evening. That just doesn’t fit our culture. In my last post I talked about how well my family gets alone with each other. We don’t need scheduled times to spend time together. Now there is nothing wrong with FHE or family scripture time, but that just doesn’t fit my family. We have tried to be better at things like that, but it always never stays consistent. We have been blessed with the new come follow me program. That has helped my family and I spend time together with the scriptures. Some families might think that our way is crazy and would never work for them. That is why families have different cultures. You make them up as you go and find out what works best for your family.  

There are other things that can create a family’s culture, like where they live. People now a days like to compare themselves to other people. They will try to do things like the rich family on the street or even try to out do them.  Other things that can influence your family culture is what your family did before you created the family you have now. A lot of people keep somethings the same but changed the things they didn’t like. For example, my dad’s family likes to keep their Sunday bests on all day on Sunday. He didn’t like that so now our family is just used to changing after church. Some of his siblings change after church and some don’t. Things like that is up to your family and its culture. 

Every family has its own culture and has its own way of doing things. Just remember to not compare your family to others, what you have going is what best works for your family. It can also change over the years as your kids get older. Never doubt your family’s culture.

Thanks for reading this far. See you next week. Bye!

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