Saturday, November 16, 2019

Family Under Stress 

Many people think that stress is a bad thing, but what they don’t know is that it is good for you. When a family undergoes stress, it makes the bound between them stronger. For example, my family and I moved to Lehi Utah my junior year of high school. The high cost of living in California was a huge burden on our family. After countless prayers, fasting, and small miracles we decided that we would have a better quality of life if we moved to Utah. I was excited and ready for a change, but I was also terrified. I knew it was the right thing to do but I didn’t know why. Deciding to move was half the challenge. What should have taken one day to move took 3. We kept running into problems with our moving equipment. The trailer that was pulling our car was too small and the car almost fell off. We spent the night at a hotel and our car got broken into. It was just one thing after another, put so much unnecessary stress on the family. 

We just kept thinking whatever is waiting for us in Utah must be life changing if Satan is doing everything in his power to turn us around. Moroni chapter 7 verse 42 says Wherefore, if a man have faith, he must needs have hope; for without faith there cannot be any hope. We put all our faith and hope in Heavenly Father that we were doing the right thing and not let all of these challenges stop us. My family and I are now able to see this experience with an eternal perspective. We have been able to see some of the reasons why we needed to move here. This whole experience put so much stress on our family. It took awhile for us to get settled and that was hard on my mother. That made everyone else feel bad and overthink if moving was a good idea.

 Going through this stressful time together made us come closer together. We get along with each other so much better know. I know that this was a trail from God and every time I think about our experience moving to Utah, I always have a smile on my face even though it was so hard on my family and me. In the talk “Get on with our lives” by Elder Steven E. Snow it says, “Life’s Challenges and changes provide opportunities for us to grow as we exercise our agency in making righteous decisions.” Going through challenges and changes as a family has helped us grow as a family. 

Stress is stressful! But having people going through the same thing helps it not seem so impossible. Having my family by my side when I go through hard things makes life so much easier. Family is the best thing in the world. My siblings and I are best friends. I have turned down friends because I would rather hang out with my family. I could not imagine a world without them. I’m grateful for all of the stress my family and I go through. 

I hope my story helps you realize that family stress can be a good thing. Thanks for reading. I’ll see you in the next one, Bye!

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